The Greatest Save Safety Quiz - Are You Safe?

Ages Twelve and Younger

1. It's OK to leave doors and windows unlocked at night.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

2. It's OK to tell your parents if someone online asks you for personal information.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

3. It's OK to take shortcuts behind buildings or use alleys to get home quicker.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

4. It's OK to say no when someone makes you feel uncomfortable.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

5. It's OK to accept a ride with someone you know without telling your parents.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

6. It's OK to keep strangers two adult arms lengths away from you at all times.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

7. It's OK to tell your parents if you feel like someone is watching you.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

8. It's OK to let someone you know in the house when you're home alone.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

9. It's OK to have dads you don't know well take you home by yourself after babysitting or spending the evening.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

10. It's OK to trust someone if you know their name and where they live.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

11. It's OK to spend lots of time alone with an adult other than your family.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!

12. It's OK to ask a mom with kids or a store employee for help if you get separated.

Yes! It's safe!
No! It's not safe!