Kindi Kit

The Kindi Kit is a fun way to teach personal safety to young children using the KinderVision mascot, Kindi Bear, the KinderVision DVD, coloring/activity sheets, and full color visual aids. Children act out a safety story, sing safety songs, and learn to recognize red flags in behaviors and circumstances that could put them at risk. Parent component included.

The following materials from the Kindi Kit are available for free download from KinderVision:

  1. PowerPoint Presentation
  2. Teacher’s Guide (File size: 32.0 KB)
  3. Lesson Plan 1 (File size: 662.0 KB)
  4. Lesson Plan 2 (File size: 1.31 MB)
  5. Lesson Plan 3 (File size: 2.14 MB)
  6. Activity Pages (File size: 2.48 MB)
  7. Activity Pages Discussion Guide (File size: 77.6 KB)
  8. Parent’s Guide (File size: 27.2 KB)
  9. Masters for parent letter and safety tips (File size: 30.0 KB)
  10. View KinderVision Video (Chapters 1-3 relate to Kindi Kit)

After viewing the video, please take “The Greatest Save” Safety Quiz to see how much your students know. Alternatively you can print the 6 and Under Safety Quiz here or Parents can take the Quiz here.

Please help us improve our Classroom Materials.  Your feedback is important to KinderVision.

What are some of the educational learning standards for the Kindi Kit?

Literary Analysis Standard: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.

The student will be able to:

  • identify familiar literary forms (e.g., fairy tales, tall tales, nursery rhymes, fables).
  • retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) of a story, and describe characters and setting
  • identify a regular beat and similarities of sounds in words when responding to rhythm and rhyme in nursery rhymes and others rhyming selections.
  • participate in a group response to various literary selections (e.g., nursery rhymes, fairy tales, picture books), identifying the character(s), setting, and sequence of events and connecting text to self (personal connection) and text to world (social connection).

Listening Comprehension and Speaking Standard: The student effectively applies listening and speaking strategies to demonstrate understanding and to communicate clearly.

The student will be able to:

  • listen for informative purposes (e.g. following prompts, directions).
  • listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding by answering literal yes/no questions about persons, objects, and actions in pictures and stories.
  • repeat auditory sequences (e.g., letters, words, numbers, rhythmic patterns).
  • recite short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns.
  • communicate effectively when relating experiences, retelling stories heard, and contributing to a discussion about a read aloud story.
  • use complete sentences when speaking.
Message From Rollie