Little Red Kit

Students use the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood as a basis for discussing personal safety issues. Scenes from the fairy tale are matched to safety tips for today and discussed as a class. Students are then asked to take one of the scenes from the fairy tale and create a modern version to teach personal safety to today’s kids. They are then encouraged as a class to present their story to their parents and younger students. This reinforces the lessons and allows them to share the information with their parents and others.

The following materials from the Little Red Kit are available for free download from KinderVision:

  1. PowerPoint Presentation
  2. Teacher’s Guide (File size: 36.0 KB)
  3. Discussion Guide (File size: 11.4 MB)
  4. 6 full color 8 1/2″ by 11″ “Little Red” safety tip posters (File size: 1.50 MB)
  5. View KinderVision Video Watch Chapter 4

After viewing the video take “The Greatest Save” Safety Quiz to see how much your students know. Alternatively you can print the Safety Quiz here.

You may also purchase a hard copy or related materials. Your feedback is important to KinderVision. Please help us improve our Classroom Materials by completing a brief survey.

What are some of the educational learning standards for the Little Red Kit?

Literary Analysis Standard: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.

Listening Comprehension Standard: The student will respond to,discuss, and reflect on various literary selections, connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts).

Creative Writing Standard: The student develops and demonstrates creative writing.

The student will be able to:

  • write narratives based on real or imagined events or observations that include characters, setting, plot, sensory details, and a logical sequence of events; and a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience with rising action, conflict and resolution.
  • write a variety of expressive forms (e.g., chapter books, short stories, poetry, skits, song lyrics) that may employ, but not be limited to, figurative language (e.g., simile, onomatopoeia, personification), rhythm, dialogue, characterization, plot and appropriate format.
  • contribute to group writing of poetry, rhymes, songs, or stories.

Publishing Standard: The student will write a final product for the intended audience.

Message From Rollie